Concocted in the druids pot of All Burn Chilli’s chief saucier, Paul Woodhams. This mixture combines the awesome heat of a generous portion of Moruga Scorpion Chilli (a renown superhot) with the savoury flavours of tomatoes, fresh basil,carrots, celery,cloves and cumin to produce a sauce which kicks like a mule then sends your taste buds to heaven. This rich, flavoursome sauce is a carnivores delight!
AWARDS - 2018 Mr. Chilli Awards - 1st Place
Moruga Scorpion Chillies, Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Onions, Apple Cider Vinegar, Fresh Basil, Carrots, Celery,Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Cloves and Honey.
CATEGORIES: 3 / 10 Heat, Gluten Free, Mild, Mild Sauce, Sauce, Tomato
Concocted in the druids pot of All Burn Chilli’s chief saucier, Paul Woodhams. This mixture combines the awesome heat of a generous portion of Moruga Scorpion Chilli (a renown superhot) with the savoury flavours of tomatoes, fresh basil,carrots, celery,cloves and cumin to produce a sauce which kicks like a mule then sends your taste buds to heaven. This rich, flavoursome sauce is a carnivores delight!
AWARDS - 2018 Mr. Chilli Awards - 1st Place
Moruga Scorpion Chillies, Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Onions, Apple Cider Vinegar, Fresh Basil, Carrots, Celery,Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Cloves and Honey.
CATEGORIES: 3 / 10 Heat, Gluten Free, Mild, Mild Sauce, Sauce, Tomato
Concocted in the druids pot of All Burn Chilli’s chief saucier, Paul Woodhams. This mixture combines the awesome heat of a generous portion of Moruga Scorpion Chilli (a renown superhot) with the savoury flavours of tomatoes, fresh basil,carrots, celery,cloves and cumin to produce a sauce which kicks like a mule then sends your taste buds to heaven. This rich, flavoursome sauce is a carnivores delight!
AWARDS - 2018 Mr. Chilli Awards - 1st Place
Moruga Scorpion Chillies, Tomatoes, Tomato Juice, Onions, Apple Cider Vinegar, Fresh Basil, Carrots, Celery,Garlic, Ginger, Cumin, Cloves and Honey.
CATEGORIES: 3 / 10 Heat, Gluten Free, Mild, Mild Sauce, Sauce, Tomato